
(75) Paris - Francia
  • No verificada
Información de arion

We produce since more then years, well known high quality
french classical & world music label CDs (arion & pierre verany) and offer a selection of our catalogue as overstock, brand new, shrinkwrapped and in Bourges (18000 in the center of France).
Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any possibility or contact or
ideas to sell this stock;

Our normal public prices for a CD are from 12 to 22 Euros as our labels
are "full price", but of course as we want to sell off these references
in big quantities, price per CD may go from 1. to 3 euros according to
global ordered quantity and quantity per reference. It might be a great opportunity to
offer good music to your customers at a very reduced price.

Nombre de la empresa:
Dirección Fiscal:
avenue hoche 36
(75) Paris
Formas de pago aceptadas:
A convenir
Proveedores destacados

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